Sunday 15 January 2012

P2P Networks and Security Issues

If you are a computer guy or not you probably heard about P2P software or P2P networks. P2P is general term for a Peer to Peer network or software and I guaranty you if you have teenager at your house then your home PC must have Peer 2 Peer software on it.

With this software you can share your files on Peers to other people around the world. Not only share your files you can download files which are available on other people computers. Files can be music files, movies, documents files or any kinds of software.

The biggest reason of popularity of peer to peer software and network is the possibility to get music, movies and other software free. For example a song cost you around 99 cents on iTune online store and a movie DVD cost you around 22 $ but here on peer to peer network you can easily download free. More dangerous is for software industry, for example a person download Adobe Photoshop which worth about 600$ but on peer to peer it is free.
But problem of peer to peer not end here, a user can face many problems from p2p network.

1. Spyware and Malware

Most of software people uses for p2p network are themselves loaded with spyware and malwares. They can throw your data and password out of your system and that can be very harmful for your personal and internet social life. Worms love to travel on peer to peer networks. If you are online your computer could be defenseless.

2. Inappropriate Material

Peer to peer networks are a sea of pornography and misname pornography. Like you might be thinking you are downloading a movie name toy story but when you finish download and run it on your computer you found inappropriate material and if you have young children in your house you never want to be in this area. Because the inappropriate material is misnamed so before download you have no idea what is going to be downloading. Truly is this the movie you are looking for on peer to peer network can be really offensive material for you and your kids. Socially and ethically I recommend that never use a peer 2 peer network.

3. Security Issue

Another main issue is the security issue because when you install a peer to peer it makes a hole in your security system and provides a direct access to peer 2 peer software. Software can easily bypass all security fire walls and barriers.

4. Privacy Issue

As we know peer to peer network bypass all security barriers and if you install application it can share your personal information on net to other users and that can harmful for your social internet life.

5. Legal Consequences

A very critical issue in developed countries. There are two organizations Recording Association of America and Motion Picture of America going after people who are using peer to peer software. State Department prosecuting them and they could be punished 5 years in jail and USD 2,50,000 for share copyrighted data on peer to peer network. State Department also fining people about USD 1,500 for one MP3 song so if a person sharing 1000 MP3 so you can imagine the fining amount.

Remove Peer to Peer Software from home PCTo remove peer to peer software from your home computer, sit with your family and talk with them who is sharing illegal data and educate your family how dangerous is the peer 2 peer software and networks. Do not only uninstall software because next day your kid will install again. Try your maximum to educate your family and give them awareness about legal consequences this kind of sharing.

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