Monday 16 January 2012

Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Internet is the widest term we use in last 2 decades. It connects people and organizations and you can easily spread and access information you like. Internet can provide you almost all kind of information and contents like text, pictures and videos from religion to science but biggest internet contribution from various people and organizations is sexual explicit content. In whole world people spend 3765$ per hour to see sexual contents on internet. You can imagine it is a multimillion dollar industry and that also affect all kind of users. 78% of kids age 8-15 have internet access in developed countries.

Internet access to user under age of 18 for academic purposes is necessary but threat of child abuse and explicit sexual material is also there. Not only sexual material there is a world of explicit material of religion, politics, critical science material is also open for your kids. For a safer internet children interaction we have to check and balance internet usage. I think the most necessary is the awareness and training of parents. Because of a generation gap 60-70% parents did not know how to control and audit child access for internet. Even if you are not an IT guy you can read following guidelines and manage your home PC for a restricted and parental locked internet.

Let’s have look on method that how we can control the access of internet for kids. Here we are talking about the most popular operating systems like Windows vista and Windows 7.

Physical Placement of your Computer

Always place computer for your kids in main lobby or living room and you can keep an eye of usage of that computer. Placement of computers in personal rooms of kids under 18 years can change their sleeping habits because you cannot restrict their usage timings.

Parental Control in Windows Vista and Windows 7

You can found parental control in both Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7. Enable it and read the option carefully, you can easily setup parental controls. Make a user name for your kid with less permissions and privileges and you can track that user name easily. Never give admin account to kid under age of 18.

Time limits for Internet and Computer Usage

You can easily restrict timing of your child for using computer and internet. Option for time management for a specific user name is available in user menu in control panel.

Online Game Freak

Online gaming is very significant issue for parents these days. Kids spend hours online and that can be harmful for studies. You can restrict games and online hours of your children. In control panel –user menu option you can easily set which game runs and which not.

Application and Programs Restriction

You can restrict user from installing and uninstalling and use any application or program. This can keep safe your computer from viruses and Trojans. In user option you have application allow and block option.

Activity Reporting and Audit

This is very important for parents to activity report and audit user account, this may be effect the privacy of your kid but it is better than an abuse of your kid. Activity report can give an idea that what kind of websites your kid likes to visit and what kind of content downloaded and explored. Keep eye on your child online friends and never allow your kid to be a friend of stranger who is with age difference. If you found any problem in chat logs or websites explored by your kid be calm and friendly with kid and take your kid to a consular for safe internet for kids. Don’t be rigid with your kids in this matter.

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