Sunday 8 January 2012

The different myths about Facebook social network

Facebook is a social networking website founded by Mark Zuckerberg and launched in February 2004. It currently has over 650 million users and is the most popular social networking website in the world. Considering its popularity, it is only natural there have been lots of rumors, myths and misgivings about the website. Many of these are entertaining and some others are just silly. Here is a list of some of the most well known myths circulating around in the web space.

◦Facebook is a stolen idea:

This is probably the most popular myth about facebook online. Mark was signed up along with a bunch of Harvard students to create ConnectU. Instead he neglected his work on that website and came up with Facebook before ConnectU was even launched. This does make him look like a villain, but to put it in perspective, Mark had actually already launched a website called Facemash before. Mark claimed that his work ‘Facebook’ was a natural extension of the ideas he had used in Facemash. Eventually though Facebook did end up paying $61 million in an out of court settlement to the founders of ConnectU.

◦Facebook will eventually be a paid service:

This myth clearly originated from people who do not understand how the Internet works. If Facebook starts charging its users, not all of its current 640 million users will be able to afford it, eventually leading users to move on the free social networking services. Also considering Facebook rolls in the millions from advertising to all these users, it just doesn't make any sense to charge users for it.

◦Facebook is primarily used by kids and undergrads:

When Facebook first arrived at the scene, it was meant only for Mark and his classmates. But within a year, its popularity shot up, but was still used primarily used by college students. This era did not last long either, and by 2006 only about one third of all its members were below the age of 25. Currently it has a user base ranges from students, to office goers, to housewives alike.

◦Facebook doesn't give two hoot about your privacy:

This myth also originates from a complete misunderstanding of an Internet business. An organization with a sound advertising model does not need to sell your data to make money, just because their services are free. Selling data would create a huge outcry from privacy advocates, which would eventually lead to the downfall of the given website. It is just easier and more profitable to not scare your users into leaving.

◦Facebook is going to sell your data: Facebook isn't charging you to use their network but in the end has to make some money. So they might be starting to sell your private information, like selling the email addresses etc.

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