Wednesday 16 November 2011

Ten Things You Should Know About Mobile Application Development

When the iPhone came out in 2007, it was only the beginning of the smartphone revolution. Since its development, other phone manufacturers have come out with their own versions, each trying to outdo the other. With this came a new wave of application developers, who develop specifically for mobile web access. If you’re looking to get in on the action, here are ten things you should know before getting started.

1.Not all phones operate the same way
From the iPhone to the BlackBerry and now the PalmPre, the number of phones that provide full internet access in addition to additional apps continues to grow each year. Developers should keep in mind that each phone has a different foundation and capabilities, making developing apps that much harder. If you want to be able to market your app to all types of phones, make sure it will work on every environment.

2.Mobile apps aren’t the same as regular computer apps
Developing an app to integrate to an existing CRM platform is not the same as developing a mobile app. Although phones are getting stronger in their technologies, they still can’t replace a computer and are limited on capabilities.

3.You have a lot of competition
There are hundreds of startups that exist solely to develop mobile apps. The Apple app store reached over one million apps in a little over a year. If you plan to develop and market your app, be prepared to work hard! Markets for niche apps may be easier to crack, but they are still gaining competition as well.
4.All Internets are not created equal
Just as phones don’t operate the same way, neither do the Internet services they use. As the mobile phone companies continue to best each other when it comes to size, strength and speed of their networks, apps developers must work with these changes to ensure their apps will always run smoothly.

5.Know your client base
Even though someone is using a web-accessible mobile device doesn’t mean they really know how to use it. For better marketability, ensure that your apps are user-friendly for every kind of user, from beginner to advanced.

6.Is it necessary?
Don’t develop an app just for the sake of doing it. Do your research to see if the app development you’re eyeing has been done before and how successful (or unsuccessful) it was. Many app developers have come and gone because they weren’t able to actually market their application in the end. Save your time and budget for something that is really necessary.

7.Allow time to get it right
You’re probably not going to get it right on the first try. Build time into your schedule to test everything and get the bugs out. Give people a free trial on the condition they’ll provide feedback. Again, make sure it works across all platforms if applicable.

8.Come approved
Most phone companies won’t allow just anyone to get an app in their system. You need to have a proposal and get it approved before it’s even introduced to the network. Again, don’t waste your time—get your app approved.

9.Make it secure
Many apps are used for business people on the go. They do a lot of business from their phones and keep a lot of confidential information housed on their little devices. To ensure users the best possible experience, make sure your app is secure if its contents are going to deal with sensitive information.

10.Make it interactive
Phones have lots of features—camera, text message, video, voice activation, etc. By making your app interactive with one or more of these features, it will be that much more marketable (and maybe even more easy to use).

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