Sunday 11 December 2011

VoIP : Smart Strategic for Business

In the current era of business competition, many people said that small business/firms were more able to survive than large firms. However, of course, the proper strategy is needed so that small businesses can survive and one way is to conduct operational cost efficiency. With limited resources and space, a small business must find Economical and efficient Airways to make up for on their lack of size.

One of the largest companies operating costs to be paid every month was the cost of the phone. On the other side, the needed of telecommunications among employees and between companies with business partners is very essential.

In the 90s era therefore, come up one of new technology that utilize an internet network as communication device such as telephone, ie Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP).   VoIP is very interesting community because it is considered capable of providing telephone service with cheaper rates than regular phone.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the latest in telecommunications technology that uses broadband Internet as the backbone of the company to transfer communication signals around the world. Also referred to as Internet telephony or IP telephony, the technology is gaining popularity among small, medium and large businesses company.  VoIP phone services for small business are very appropriate because of cost-effective, compared to regular landline and mobile communications business and can help companies save large amounts in the monthly phone bill.

Small business VoIP solutions are the best alternative because all the functions of a PBX are available with reduced fees at the host system. All features provided by your traditional telephone service provider such as caller ID, voicemail and call forwarding is available in audio via IP phone as a standard feature and most of providers do not charge of them.

Some advanced features VoIP based which is provided for small businesses include:
• High security for calls using protocols such as Transport Protocol Secure Real-time
• Parallel data exchange such as the exchange of messages or data files, along with a phone call
• Top VoIP to VoIP phone calls
• Cost-effective voice conferencing

Another benefit with the implementation of Small business VoIP solutions in your office phone system is the ease of upgrades. While more complex traditional systems might require an extensive remodel of the office layout and the actual phone lines themselves, a Voice over Internet Protocol upgrade can be as simple and easy as a software update. Likewise, with the ease of upgrades, VoIP is better suited to deal with the changing needs of businesses.

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